Marjorie Taylor Greene gets defensive in 60 Minutes interview

Marjorie Taylor didn’t hold back from Greene during her “60 Minutes” interview Sunday night on CBS as she accused Democrats of being pedophiles and called the investigation into her past comments unfair.

“They are not pedophiles. Why would you say that?” reporter Leslie Stahl asked.

“Democrats support – even Joe Biden, the president himself – supporting children being sexually abused and having transgender surgery. Child sexual abuse is what pedophiles do to children,” Georgia Republican replied.

“Well done. Well done,” replied a clearly astonished Stahl. “But my question really is, can’t you fight for what you believe in without that name-calling and without the personal attacks?”

Green responded by turning the question to Dems. “I’ll ask the same question from the other side, because since I’ve been here, Leslie has abused me and insulted me constantly. They call me a racist. They call me – Sen. – anti-Semitic, which is not true. I am not naming anyone. I am telling the truth, basically.

The controversial congressman, who promotes far-right conspiracy theories, also sidestepped questions from Stahl about whether he has apologized to Nancy Pelosi for liking a comment on her Facebook page that said the former House speaker should have received a “shot to the head”, something he claimed was done by someone on his social media team.

“I stand by what I have on my social media. But sometimes not—you’re not always in control. We have all kinds of people who work on our social media.

Stahl pressed further, asking her about her claims that the Parkland school shooting was a “false flag”. Green heated up and denied that he said such things: “No, I never said that. School shootings are terrible. I don’t think it’s anything to joke about.”

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But Stahl threw her a curve ball, saying that “60 Minutes” fact checkers confirmed that she said that. Green did not like this and was furious.

“Have you fact-checked all my statements from Kindergarten to 12th grade? And in college? And as I’ve paid my taxes, and never broken the law, and only- I’ve got a few speeding tickets. Do we even need to talk about them,” she said defensively.

Stull attempted to speak, but Green would not let him. “I think where you’re getting down is the same attacks people have made on me over and over again. People constantly bring attention to it, but don’t notice any of the good things about me.

You can watch the clip for an excerpt of the interview.

When news broke on Friday night that “60 Minutes” would air a lengthy interview with a QAnon subscriber, those on social media reacted in a big way — and most were angry.

“How low have you stooped here,” one person tweeted. Another said, “Why are you normalizing and sanctifying blatant racism and antisemitism for America?”

The full “60 Minutes” interview aired on April 2 on the CBS television network.

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