President Biden raised some eyebrows this week when he said he was “kind of raised” in a Puerto Rican community in Delaware. That included Seth Meyers, who joked on Tuesday that Biden’s words sounded very similar to Grandpa’s first encounter with gay people.
Biden was in Puerto Rico this week when he made his remarks to take a look at hurricane damage, noting that Delaware has a large Puerto Rican population. On the whole, he said “I was raised in the Puerto Rican community at home politically.”
“Wow, just relax man. When you first meet a gay man, you sound like somebody’s grandpa,” Meyers said before acting on how it would be. “’Hey, nice to meet you ! You know, we had a gay man in Vietnam with us, at least, you know, we all thought he was gay – ah it doesn’t matter, you know? Nice to meet you, do you guys shake hands or -‘ ‘Grandpa, stop talking!'”
Biden wasn’t the only President Meyers targeted in his monologue. Before wrapping up, the late-night host made sure to take a dig at twice-impeached former President Donald Trump while mocking his new defamation lawsuit against CNN.
In the lawsuit, Trump claimed that the network had created “a persistent association between Trump and Adolf Hitler.”
“Yeah, come on CNN. Can’t a man hold a series of racist rallies in a country battling skyrocketing inflation without comparing him to Hitler?! Meyers joked.
You can watch Meyers’ full monologue in the video above.