Military ‘Wouldn’t Even Believe He Was Gay’ (VIDEO)

Tucker Carlson railed against Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg during Wednesday night’s episode of “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”

The Fox News opinion host brought up Buttigieg while discussing the recent mass shooting in Colorado Springs at LGBTQ destination club Q — an incident that left five dead and 18 injured. Carlson felt that Buttigieg’s response to the tragedy, in which he blamed biased media personalities like Carlson for the intense physical violence against the LGBTQ community, was hypocritical.

Pete Buttigieg, of course, couldn’t pass a moment like this. Not that Pete Buttigieg wants to talk about how things are going at the Department of Transportation, which he’s supposed to be, short answer, okay No,” Carlson said. “Pete Buttigieg wants to talk about identity. He always wants to talk about identity. And the funny, ironic thing is that until a few years ago, Buttigieg didn’t even admit that he was gay.

Carlson claimed that Buttigieg “hid” his sexual orientation while serving in the military and building his political career and “then lied about it for reasons he has never been able to explain.” where did it go.”

“Why not?” Carlson asked the question. “But anything. Now he’s more than happy to use his sexual orientation as a cudgel to punch you in the face over and over again.”

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In a Monday tweet in response to the shooting, Buttigieg wrote: “If you are a politician or media personality who sets the LGBTQ community up for hate and fear, it’s not because any of us harmed you. , but because you find it useful. You dare not be surprised when this kind of violence occurs.

“Don’t you dare be surprised. Don’t you dare,” Carlson joked. “Okay, fair enough. We wouldn’t dare.

“But honestly, we were a little surprised to learn that the anti-trans shooter is trans himself. Were you surprised by that Pete Buttigieg?” Carlson inquired, misquoting the shooter, Anderson Aldrich.

He added that Buttigieg “has not said anything” about the identity of the shooter “nor has he apologized for attacking other people under false pretenses.”

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Buttigieg, who joined the military in 2009, publicly came out as gay in 2015 while serving as mayor of South Bend, Indiana. article in their local paper,

He admitted, “It was well into adulthood before I was ready to accept the simple fact that I am gay.” “It took me years of struggle and growth to recognize that it’s just a fact of life, like having gray hair and being who I am.”

He later wrote about the army’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy in a medium blog posts in 2019, The policy, which ended in 2011, prohibited military personnel from being openly gay.

“For individual soldiers, it meant hiding from those they trusted their lives. In some cases it meant giving up a life that was less than perfect,” he explained. “For partners, this meant that when a promotion came out, they would not be there to celebrate a new rank being pinned. And if the worst happens, they won’t even be contacted.”

Buttigieg said that during his deployment to Afghanistan, he wrote a letter to his family in case he could not come home.

“Writing this was exactly what I needed on my hardest day of training,” he said. “What I didn’t put into the letter was that the act of writing it forced me to consider the possibility that I might die without knowing what it feels like to be in love.”

Watch a segment of Carlson’s Fox News segment in the video above.

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