Newsmax panel debate sparks anger over Jordan Neely’s murder

Newsmax’s right-wing panel show “The Right Squad” devolved into an incomprehensible shouting match Friday during a debate over the murder of Jordan Neely.

Nelly, a homeless street performer, was stabbed to death on a New York subway by US Marine veteran Daniel Penny earlier this month after the former began shouting that he was hungry, thirsty and had little to live for. was less Nellie was reportedly acting erratically before Penny’s chokehold, but did not attack anyone, a witness who recorded the incident said. told CNN, Neely’s death was ruled a homicide, and Penny was charged with second-degree murder for the fatal choke.

Newsmax host Jen Pellegrino asked the panel whether these allegations marked “the beginning of the end of the good Samaritan”, which sparked a lively shouting duel among the pundits.

“You know, it sure seems like [Manhattan District Attorney Alvin] Bragg’s New York City,” Pellegrino continued. “I mean he goes after former President Trump, he’s focusing on that, but the people who are there are either defending themselves from violent crime. or defending others…”

“Although there was no violent crime,” retorted political analyst Jason Nichols, to which Pellegrino replied, “He was threatening people.”

“No, but there was no violent crime,” Nichols said. “He didn’t assault anybody. Violent crime means somebody was assaulted. Nobody got assaulted. If someone looks at me the wrong way or yells at me, should I hit him? Should I kill them?” Should be put to death? Should I sneak up behind them and choke them backwards naked?

“Maybe Yeah,” “The Right Squad” Host Chris Plante responded. “If he’s threatening to kill people on a subway train.”

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Several voices rose together, creating an incoherent cacophony of shouting.

“He didn’t make threats, he said he was hungry…” Nichols argued. “And being mentally ill is not a crime. Being hungry is not a crime. Homelessness is not a crime.

“We need to address the whole situation,” said former Arizona gubernatorial candidate and news anchor Kari Lake. Look away and act like nothing is happening, or if someone is coming right in your face, ignore it.

“We’re afraid to act,” Lake continued. “We need to address this. We spend a fortune in taxes and what is it getting us? Unsafe roads. We can’t even defend ourselves, not only in this case but there are other cases where someone Somebody is getting hurt, and people are going to be afraid to defend themselves or help others.

penny surrendered On Friday, he was released from the New York Police compound in handcuffs and presented to police and released.

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