No walking around for Elon Musk

Television powerhouse Shonda Rhimes announced she is leaving Twitter on Thursday in the wake of Elon Musk officially taking ownership of the app.

“Don’t fiddle around with whatever Elon has planned. Goodbye,” “Grey’s Anatomy” creator; tweeted He has 1.9 million followers as of Saturday morning.

Rhimes’ decision to leave comes just a day after Moscow Confirmed That “the bird is set free,” signifies that his months-long legal battle to acquire the app was over. The New Contagion Research Institute (NCRI) informed of The use of the N-word on Twitter had increased by 500% in the 12 hours since the announcement.

Conservative figures like Matt Walsh and Candace Owens rejoiced at the news, while Musk fanned the flames Tweets Like “Comedy is now legal on Twitter.”

Rhimes is the latest figure to condemn Musk’s “new Twitter,” which promises to be a “#FreeSpeech” paradise for those who feel they’ve been censored by the platform’s content moderation policies.

“Twitter Feels America Might Feel If Republicans Withdraw Congress,” George Takei tweeted, “All the nuts will immediately start testing the terrifying limits of how far they can push things.”

LeBron James expresses deep concern over NCRI report Writing: “I don’t know Elon Musk and, tbh, I could care less who owns Twitter. But I will say that if it’s true, I hope he and his people take it very seriously because it Terrible Air Force. So many unqualified people are saying that there is freedom to speak hate speech.”

musky on friday announced plans To create “a content moderation council with widely diverse perspectives”, emphasizing that nothing will change until the council is convened.

5 Ways Twitter Will Change Under New Boss Elon Musk

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