#OscarsSoOld? Movies that appeal to younger audiences are rare on the Oscar shortlist

Only “Avatar: The Way of Water” and “Everything Everywhere All at Once” had the younger generation dominating the audience.

As the entertainment world gears up for the 2023 Oscars, one question lingers about Academy members voting for movies and actors: Do they represent the movie-going audience?

After studies from a decade ago reported an Academy membership that was overwhelmingly white and male, the organization has continued to work to expand and diversify its ranks. But an effort to limit voting to members who actively work in the movie industry hit charges of age discrimination, and the Academy has remained silent on the issue of its members’ ages. A report examining the diversification effort presented an average age of 63 years. Naturally, some have wondered if the Oscars were skewed toward the preferences of older audiences.

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