Roswell, New Mexico: endings of the main characters, ranked

In the beginning, Max, Isobel and Michael wanted to keep their alien nature a secret from everyone. But once Liz discovered the truth, eventually many people who would become essential to them too, including Kyle, Alex and Maria, would learn it too. Roswell, New Mexico, showed the initial struggles and conflicts that the main characters had, whether over supernatural powers or grieving a lost loved one. However, over time, Roswell, New Mexico, broadened the scope of small-town alien questions and mysteries, expanding the group to be much more involved, including its connections to Oasis, the alien home planet.

Over time, Max, Michael and Isobel finally learned more about their backstory after wondering about the truth for so long. However, everyone also went on important character arcs and journeys. One of the front character arcs followed Max Evans, desperate to be just a Roswell man and refusing to acknowledge the fate that seemed inevitable anyway. However, he wasn’t the only one looking for answers, a home and a purpose. Everyone was fighting for their place in the world, and if Roswell, New Mexicoofficially ended, many of the main characters found the closure they needed or took steps toward what they believe could be the next chapter in their lives.

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9 Maria

Although Mary lost her visions, she did not lose all her powers. After Alex slipped through the sinkhole, he was able to reach Maria psychically. Maria learned more about her otherworldly abilities and grabbed Dallas as her first safe place in the series finale. Maria has been working to better understand her powers since she discovered them. Maria has come a long way since initially battling with her mother over whether visions were real. At the end of the show, Maria and Dallas got closer to a romantic get-together, but his decision to leave for Oasis separates them. That doesn’t mean Mary hasn’t learned more about what she wants for herself, though.

8 Dallas

For the most part, Dallas spent most of season four trying to follow the bits and directions his father left behind. Dallas tried to understand his father’s work and at the same time tried to figure out what path he should take in his life. In the end, he finally gets it. The Dallas path may not be on Earth at all, at least not in the short term. Dallas’ decision to join Max’s trip to Oasis gives Dallas the opportunity to better understand the home planet and better understand what his father has worked so hard for.

7 Rosa

Rosa initially had a hard time as a teenager. But when she is taken out of the alien pod, Rosa is given another chance at life and has been striving ever since not to screw it up. She works hard to give herself a better chance and leans in her art to help her find happiness. Rosa eventually leaves Roswell for New York to get a fresh start in life away from the otherworldly drama and conflict that surround her life in Roswell. However, when Rosa returns home in season four, she does so with a fresh perspective on her life and a greater understanding of her powers. Finally, Rosa returns to New York, after helping her family and knowing that everything will be fine for them.

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6 Alex

After being absent for most of the season, Michael finally reunites with Alex and has very little time left in the series. Sick of being a human trapped in Theo’s alien-made world, Alex is worried he won’t survive an escape and wants to marry Michael instead.

Though Alex survives his time there while everyone else escapes, Kyle is mentioned to help Alex heal, but how Kyle saves him is never shown. Alex is also missing from most of the series finale, with a mention of being off-screen and working. However, the most important part of the time Alex is involved in is also what makes his ending so important. Alex and Michael are finally getting married in front of their friends and family, with Alex choosing to take Michael’s last name.

5 Kylea

Kyle spends most of the final season pining for Isobel, and Isobel finally reciprocates his feelings in the penultimate episode. Otherwise, Kyle teams up with Liz and Allie Meyers on science to help their friends and help Liz heal her memory problems. Kyle had proven to be Liz’s rock and undying supporter. Showing his loyalty to his friends, he wanted to be with Isobel, with their last scene together, to make them happy and recognize that sitting quietly by the fireplace was perfect.

4 isobel

Season four fills in some of the gaps in Isobel’s childhood and shows her education as a child. Isobel has been given full authority over her identity and abilities, something she had struggled with in the wake of the dark truth surrounding her failed marriage. Romantically, Isobel’s refusal to reveal the truth about herself, Max, and Michael to her partners ends with Kyle. Kyle knew Isobel was an alien and had fallen in love with her because she knew the whole truth. She didn’t have to hide the truth from him, something she didn’t like to do with her previous girlfriend and what she thought she had done to her husband. Isobel can finally live truthfully and happily in a relationship, in addition to securing further ownership of her own identity and abilities.

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3 Liz

While science has always been an integral part of who Liz is as a person, one of her greatest journeys in the final season follows her uncertainty about saying yes to Max’s proposal. How can she agree to marry him and be happy while waiting for the next terrible thing to happen? When it happens, Liz wants to be ready.

Science and love are at the heart of Liz’s final season storylines, and she handles both to the best of her ability. She eventually understands the difference between interest and obsession and what she is willing to risk for love. Liz is the one who finally asks Max to marry himand although he leaves shortly after saying yes, he does so with a promise to return, and Liz finally seems to be completely sure of where she stands regarding two of the biggest impacts on her life.

2 Max

Max has fought his fate for most of the series. Max constantly saw his abilities as a burden to the life he wanted to share with Liz. It was a perpetually frustrating element, especially since Liz always encouraged Max to learn more about his abilities and never wished he didn’t have them. She saw that he was more than his powers, but also understood the advantage their group had in them.

When the series ended, Max finally got his skills back and learned to control the blue flame instead of fearing its powers. This gave him more control, but also suggested that he had finally accepted who he was and what he was capable of. Taking that step also meant accepting his fate to save Oasis from death. Max had to end the series knowing he would return to Liz, but also in a destiny he had fought against for so long.

1 Michael

For someone who would have wanted to return to Oasis more than anyone else, Michael may have the best ending to understanding a very different definition of home. Michael had been looking for where he belonged for so long that he hadn’t even noticed he’d stumbled into it. Michael had been given a chosen family and a meaningful and lasting relationship with Alex.

Though Michael is distracted by the potential to return to Oasis, that is thrown aside once Michael discovers Alex is missing. When Michael reunites with Alex, he admits he’d considered moving back, but then realized he and Alex were building the house Michael had always wanted. Michael and Alex’s wedding, along with Michael choosing Alex and the Earth over Oasis, shows how far he’s grown.

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