Ryan Murphy insists he contacted Dahmer victim’s families

Following backlash from the outraged families of Jeffrey Dahmer’s victims, who said they had never heard of Ryan Murphy’s series from his Netflix series “Asphalt – Monsters: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story”, Murphy claims that he “made about 20 Reached out to relatives and friends, but “not a single person answered us.”

“During the three-and-a-half years that we were actually writing this, working on it, we reached out to about 20, about 20, trying to get input from the families and friends of the victims. Talk,” Murphy said while speaking at an event at the DGA Theater in Los Angeles, According to the Hollywood Reporter, “And in that process not a single person answered us.”

This contrasts with statements made by family members, including Rita Isbell, sister of Dahmer victim Errol Lindsay, whose emotional real-life courtroom scenes were recreated for the series.

In a September article insider, she wrote, “I was never approached about the show. I think Netflix should have asked if we mind or how we felt about making it. He didn’t ask me anything. He just did. ,

Lindsay’s cousin Eric Perry also tweeted“No, they don’t inform families when they do. It’s all public record, so they don’t have to inform (or pay!) to anyone. My family found out when everyone else did.”

On Thursday, Paris Barkley, who directed two episodes of “Asphalt,” said her and Murphy’s goal with the series was to honor the victims.

“We really want this to be about celebrating these victims,” ​​Barkley said. When Tony writes ‘I won’t disappear’ on that last card, that’s what the show is about. It is about making sure these people are not erased from history and that they have a place and are recognized and that they were important and they lived full lives. And they came from all kinds of different places, but they were real people.”

He said, “They weren’t just numbers. They weren’t just pictures on billboards and telephone poles. They were real people whose families loved, breathed, lived, hoped for. That’s what we wanted for it.” be about.”

'Asphalt' marks Ryan Murphy's first monster hit for Netflix after 4 years and a half dozen tries

Murphy said he would pay for a memorial in Milwaukee for the victims, an issue cast member Niecy Nash raised during the discussion. “Anything we could have done for this to happen, you know, I’d be happy to even pay for it myself. I think something has to happen. And we try to get people to talk about it.” I think there is some resistance because they think the park will attract people who are interested in paying tribute to this horrific incident… but I think something needs to be done,” he said.

Thomas M. Jacobson, who represented the families of victims at Dahmer’s trial in 1992 and worked diligently to see that Dahmer himself never profited from his crimes, told TheWrap, “Commemorative contribution to Dahmer victims by Ryan Murphy. Seems like an afterthought.”

“Milwaukee wanted Dahmer’s memory to disappear, so there should be no memory of her devastation in the community,” Jacobson said. “The only meaningful action on the part of the Dahmer victim’s family on Murphy’s part will be a monetary consideration from Netflix’s profits for their exploitation and continued trauma.”

Isbell would like to see the money go to the victim’s “children and grandchildren.” In his September essay, he wrote, “If the show benefited him in some way, it wouldn’t be so rude and reckless.”

Jeffrey Dahmer Victim's Relative Ryan Murphy Calls Netflix Series 'Retromatizing'

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