Scarborough blasts GOP silence on Trump’s McConnell attack

Joe Scarborough destroyed GOP silence on Trump’s “Beyond the Pale” attack on Mitch McConnell, in which he said the Senate minority leader had a “death wish” and attacked his wife with racist rhetoric on Tuesday, Given that this is “beyond crazy”. Republicans have not condemned the former president’s comments.

“Why the United States Senate’s elected Republican isn’t defending Mitch McConnell and defending Mitch McConnell’s family is beyond insane,” Scarborough said in Tuesday’s edition of “Morning Joe.”

The “Morning Joe” panel responded to Trump’s scathing attack on Truth Social Friday, slamming McConnell for supporting the Democrat-backed legislation and suggesting that he consult with his wife, former Transportation Secretary Ellen Chao, to give her She refers to her as the “China-loving wife”. “Coco Chow.” Although Liz Cheney denounced Trump’s comments as “absolutely despicable and racist,” Scarborough said other Republicans have yet to stand up against the attack.

“He is a Republican who attacked the Senate minority leader against Donald Trump with violent rhetoric and made racist statements about his wife,” Scarborough said. ,[There’s] There aren’t many other elected Republicans who have done that.”

“I guess we can’t be shocked anymore,” co-host Willie Geist said, “but it’s shocking, it’s still shocking that the leader of the United States Senate in the Republican Party has cast a ‘death wish’ on him. ‘ was laid. By the former President of the United States of America, his wife was attacked with racist slurs, and no one says anything.”

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Geist also noted that Senate Minority Leader McConnell “has a lot of friends in the United States Senate” with whom he has worked for decades, “long before he met Donald Trump.”

“They won’t even stand up in this moment of all time and defend her against him,” he continued. “It’s still amazing, even though it shouldn’t be.”

Co-host Mika Brzezinski said that although she is not a “huge supporter of Mitch McConnell”, she would do the work of many Republicans who are not speaking out against atrocities. “No, you shouldn’t threaten Mitch McConnell, you shouldn’t make racist attacks on his wife, you shouldn’t put her in danger, you shouldn’t put his wife in danger,” Brzezinski said. “These people- [you] May not agree with them – serve our country, serve our country, serve in administration, it is wrong. it’s not difficult.”

“You can make the case, folks, that fear of Donald Trump is the strongest force in American politics,” Geist concluded, noting that Republicans privately disagree with the comments, in order to avoid upsetting Trump. Let’s “back off” in public.

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