Ranbir Kapoor’s return to the big screen after 4 years has not been well received, as the film’s collections are not up to scratch. After a bad start of Rs. 10.25 crore, the film showed minimal growth by reaching Rs. 10.50 crore on Saturday, bringing the two-day total to Rs. 20.75 crores. And now the big Sunday growth is also missing for shamshera. According to early estimates shamshera has collected in the range of Rs. 11.50 to 12.50 crore on Sunday to take the opening weekend up to Rs. 32.75 crores.

The trend has been bad all weekend with little growth from Friday to Sunday. Since it was a mass movie, you expected it to show some sort of gain on Sunday, but a nearly flat trend is a clear sign of public rejection. Within the first 3 days of the theatrical run, the curtains are drawn for the film and this is a phenomenon that occurs at regular intervals in the pandemic times.

As for the box office verdict, it’s a theatrical disaster, though losses on the table will be minimal due to back-end deals on digital and satellite rights sales. shamshera marked Ranbir Kapoor’s entry into the mass cinema, but the same audience did not come out to support the film. The multiplexes also remained dull all weekend.

Considering the cost and genre, shamshera should have included a bare minimum weekend of Rs. 50 crore, but it has fallen short by a huge margin. The film has been underperforming since opening itself, and with negative audience talk, it never had a chance to make up for lost ground on opening day.