Teenagers Shouldn’t Be Punished for Trans Stance

Caitlyn Jenner a. speaking against Vermont school district decision A transgender volleyball player after a group of her peers complained about sharing a locker room.

In accordance with state policy, administrators at Randolph High School sent complainants to convert single-stall bathrooms while allowing trans athletes to continue using facilities of their desired gender. Jenner cited Vermont as a “socialist state,” saying the decision was “strange” and that “these things have to stop.”

“I don’t think this is the best way to handle this thing,” she told Fox & Friends on Monday morning, before blaming Democrats for politicizing “another minority group.”

“Let us go again. The Left has kidnapped and politicized another minority group in our wonderful country, the good old United States. And this time again, it is trans people,” she said. As a result of using the agenda of politics, they are actually tearing this country apart. I thought Joe Biden was supposed to be the great integrator, and what he’s doing is tearing us apart. ,

Jenner continued, saying that under Vermont law a trans athlete has the right to be on a volleyball team and to use the locker room — but other female athletes are equally entitled to file complaints about it.

“Now, does this trans girl have the right under Vermont law to be on the team and use the locker room? Yes she does. Do these girls have a right to comment and tell the school board that they are in the locker room? How uncomfortable are they with a biological guy with basically gender? Absolutely, they do,” she said. Lock your little part of us in the corner and do nothing when it comes to this trans person. So honestly, everything sucks right now and these things have to stop.”

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When asked how she would address the complaint, Jenner suggested that it is the trans student who should be sent to her own place to replace for fear of making other students uncomfortable.

“The trans person can obviously use a different area of ​​the locker room and then everyone can be happy,” she said.

Watch the full “Fox & Friends” segment in the video above — and catch Jenner’s reaction to the clip on Twitter below.

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