The best villains in the TV show, ranked

Star Wars has had quite a few villains. Darth Vader, General Grievous, The Emperor, Darth Maul and Count Dooku are all compelling, intimidating and iconic in their own right. However, no Star Wars project has had better villains than The Clone Wars. Whether it’s recurring villains or original villains, the TV show has a fantastic roster of villains. So with that, here are the best villains in it The Clone Wars.



10 General Grievous

Matthew Wood voices General Grievous in the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Cartoon network

General Grievous is a great villain, whose role in Revenge of the Sith made him a fan favorite. The role of Grievous is not particularly great in it The Clone WarsHowever, especially after the earlier seasons, he is responsible for some of the best episodes and moments throughout the first three seasons, including fighting Obi-Wan many times, as well as an exciting duel with Kit Fisto. Grievous doesn’t have much of a problem with him, but his immorality, memorable voice, great design, and the countless Jedi he’s killed make for a great Star Wars villain.

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9 Wild oppression

Wild oppression
Distribution of the Disney platform

Darth Maul’s Zabrakian brother is much more intimidating than his older brother. Savage may lack Maul’s strength, cunning, and combat prowess, but he more than makes up for it with his tall stature and strength. Savage has more than proven himself as a deadly Sith, fighting armies with ease and coming into conflict with Obi-Wan, Anakin, Ventress, Dooku, and Darth Sidious. Likewise, if it weren’t for Savage, Maul might never have returned.

8 Darth Sidious

Darth Sidious
Distribution of the Disney platform

As the most powerful Sith Lord of them all Star Wars, Darth Sidious only had a few moments to shine in the movies. However, The Clone Wars gave fans many great moments with Darth Sidious that reinforce his terrifying legend. The Clone Wars delves into Palpatine’s political role in the Senate, as he controls the war and continues to manipulate the galaxy, the Jedi Order, and Anakin.

Behind the scenes, Palpatine as Darth Sidious mainly played his apprentice, Count Dooku, as a puppeteer, but when it came down to it, Sidious was doing his own dirty work. Sidious took on both Maul and Oppress and came out victorious, even having a thrilling battle with Grandmaster Yoda. It was fascinating to see Sidious inside The Clone Warsand the show highlights his major role in it Star Wars.

7 Pre Vizsla

pre vizsla star wars
Lucasfilm animation

The terrorist Pre Vizsla, voiced by legendary director Jon Favreau, became an instant fan favorite. His extremist and traditional views and values ​​were very intriguing and the introduction of the Darksword made his character much more memorable.

As the leader of the Death Watch, a group of Mandalorian terrorists, Pre Vizsla is one of the deadliest Mandalorians in the galaxy. Vizsla and the Death Watch want Mandalore to return to its traditions, and Vizsla and his band of terrorists will do anything to make it happen. Vizsla even made a deal with Maul, allowing Vizsla to overthrow Satine Kryze and rule Mandalore, which inevitably led to his death.

6 Mother Talzin

Mother Talzin
Distribution of the Disney platform

The Nightsisters are among the most intriguing factions/tribes in the world Star Wars, and while Asajj Ventress may be the most recognizable of said sect, the almighty Mother Talzin certainly deserves equal respect. Mother Talzin may not be able to wield the power, but her power could easily allow her to come face-to-face with some of the most powerful Jedi and Sith Lords in the franchise.

The Nightsisters’ mother is able to use telekinesis to lift any object, including herself. She also has the ability to create voodoo dolls, which she uses on Count Dooku. In addition, her remarkable powers include telepathy, teleportation, healing, and possession. Her eerie face paint, intimidating red robe and terrifying voice already make for a terrifying villain, but combine that with her untamed strength and you have one of the best and most powerful villains in the world. The Clone Wars.

5 Count Dooku

Christopher Lee voices Count Dooku in the 2008 Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated film
Warner Bros. Pictures

Count Dooku was a fan-favorite prequel-era villain, but he never really had any depth. However, like many characters in the franchise, The Clone Wars delved into the character of Count Dooku and why he left the Jedi Order to become Sidous’ apprentice. The show explored Dooku’s cunning, power, willingness to win the war, and loyalty to his master, Darth Sidious, as he faces off against the Jedi Order and the Army of the Republic countless times.

Dooku trained both Savage Opress and Asajj Ventress, two of the deadliest Sith Lords in the franchise, deepening Dooku’s character as he eventually betrayed them both.

4 Asaj Ventress

Asaj Ventress
Distribution of the Disney platform

Ventress is a character that fans quickly fell in love with. However, during the first few seasons, Ventress lacked a character arc that allowed us to really connect with her. Asajj Ventress has had an incredibly immersive journey throughout the show. First, she was betrayed by Dooku after Darth Sidious feared Ventress’ power, leading Dooku to send an entire droid army after her and her Nightsisters. From there, she became a bounty hunter, teaming up with Bossk, Dengar, and a young Boba Fett.

After years of making a living as a bounty hunter, she was briefly framed for a bombing of the Jedi Temple, leading Ventress to team up with Ahsoka, and later Anakin, to find out who was really responsible. Her curved dual red lightsabers are some of the coolest lightsaber grips around Star Wars and only reinforce the love we have for her character.

3 Pong Krell

Pong Krell
Warner Bros.

The Umbara Arc is without a doubt one of them the best storylines in the show, which is mainly due to the phenomenal villain Pong Krell. As much as we love villains, we can connect with whose motivations we somewhat understand, sometimes it’s just great to see an utterly repulsive villain that we love to hate.

Pong Krell is bad news from the start, immediately discriminating against Captain Rex and his clones and treating them as lesser life forms. Yet it’s the stunning revelation at the end of the storyline where he forced the clones to unknowingly kill each other that made Pong Krell a sensational villain. However, when the clones figure this out, they all take the fight to Krell, where he begins slaughtering them with his dual double-bladed lightsabers. It is later revealed that Pong Krell fell to the Dark Side after foreseeing the fall of the Republic and the Jedi Order. Krell is a phenomenal villain, who we wish we had seen more of.

2 Cad Bane

Star Wars Clone Wars - Cad Bane
Warner Bros.

The ruthless Durosian bounty hunter is without a doubt one of the best bounty hunters in the franchise. Based not purely on his ability and efficiency to get the job done, but also on his incredibly awesome cowboy-inspired aesthetic. Bane has appeared on the show many times, coming face to face with Jedi, kidnapping the Senator and stealing Holocrons from the Jedi hostage, proving his worth and our love for the character. Cad Bane can handle any job seamlessly, for the right price, of course.

See also: Star Wars: The Clone Wars: The Best Characters in the Series, ranked

1 Darth Maul

star wars darth maul
Lucasfilm animation

Aesthetically, the Dathomirian Sith Lord is already a fascinating and, above all, a great character. His costume design, the little horns on his head, his red and black face paint, and especially his double-bladed lightsaber, instantly won him over with fans. Unfortunately, Maul never really got into much depth The Ghost Threat. However, The Clone Wars gave Maul a compelling character arc that only cemented our love for the former Sith Lord.

After returning from the dead, Maul Savage takes Opress as his apprentice. Fueled by revenge, the two wreak havoc across the galaxy in hopes of finding Obi-Wan Kenobi. This then leads the two to face Asajj Ventress and Obi-Wan Kenobi in a sensational lightsaber duel, with neither side ever getting the upper hand. From there, Maul Pre defeats Vizsla in combat, claims ownership of the Darksaber, and rules Mandalore.

However, Maul gets some revenge on Kenobi as Maul slaughters Satine Kryze, Obi-Wan’s love interest, right in front of him. His rule over Mandalore greets Maul with an angry Darth Sidious, Maul’s former master, quickly defeating Maul and Savage in a thrilling duel, where Sidious quickly kills Savage. After hiding in the shadows for a few seasons, Maul finally returns in the show’s phenomenal final season, where he takes on a veteran Ahsoka Tano in one of the best duels on the show.

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