The Come Up stars get weak about life in their 20s

How do you prioritize your mental health in a culture that values ​​hustle the most? The six young creatives at the center of Freeform’s documentary “The Come Up” are just trying to figure out the answer.

It takes a lot of energy, 24-year-old model Fernando Casablancas told TheWrap of living and working in New York City, where they filmed for shows that look at their lives as they “pursue love, art and friendship.” Huh. Their own terms, “Per Freeform.

“It weighs on you and you just have to protect yourself. If you want to give energy, you really have to have something to give. So sometimes the most important thing is to take a second to center yourself,” Casablancas said.

The actors – Casablancas, Taofique Abizako, Ben Hard, Claude Schwartz, Eban Gore and Sophia Wilson – are all rising stars in their creative fields, but they are still navigating their 20-something relationships, professionalism, and their mental wellbeing. In “The Come Up,” they paint a vulnerable picture of what it’s like to navigate that life.

Speaking to TheWrap, they all agreed that protecting their peace of mind is a big part of staying on top of their game, especially living in one of the largest and busiest cities in the world. Huh.

“The most important thing is to do things on your own terms and not feel like you have to live this fast-paced lifestyle,” said fashion designer and clothing brand Head of State founder Abizko.

This, of course, is easier said than done. Throughout the series, all six stars grapple with feelings of deceitful syndrome. In a minute, they’re climbing to the pinnacle of their latest professional success, and then, doubts begin to subside. They are wondering how they got there, where to go next, and if they even deserve to be there.

“I think imposter syndrome is a completely natural part of following your dreams because that’s exactly what they are. They are your dreams,” Casablanca said. “So they’re set up in a way that should feel like this is something that’s so far away that you want to reach. When you actually get there, your mind and your soul are something like, ‘Wow, am I really here?’ You just have to step out of it and be like, ‘No, I’m here because I’m here to stay.'”

And, in case they couldn’t find their confidence, Schwartz had some wise advice on how she handles her insecurities: “I try to fake it until I make it.”

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Each of the cast opens up wonderfully in front of the camera, talking about their doubts and fears as well as their many wildest hopes and dreams. It took some getting used to, but eventually a team of producers they could relate to helped them work through the more difficult confessions.

“Sometimes you have to process faster than usual,” Hard explained. “It will force you to slow down and reflect on what happened. So sometimes my thoughts don’t even hold together and then on camera I’m piecing things together and trying to figure it out.” no matter how I feel or what I’m thinking. I think we’re all naturally vulnerable people so it was authentic to us.”

While it wasn’t hard to tell her heart out on camera, now that her weaknesses are going to be on display, Wilson and some of her cast admit that it’s a little intimidating how to get it.

“You don’t want to be seen as a fake,” Gore said. “When you’re filming people really read into that.”

Wilson said: “It’s hard now that everyone can see it. Now that I’m getting my first goosebumps and I’m like, ‘Oh my god, I’m a little nervous.'”

The first four episodes of “The Come Up” are available to watch on Hulu. New episodes begin every Tuesday on Freeform.

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