Tucker Carlson hopes Biden will personally intervene to prevent Trump from being arrested (VIDEO)

Despite privately hating Donald Trump “obsessively”, Tucker Carlson is, publicly, one of Trump’s biggest media allies. So it should come as no surprise that the star of Fox News’ primetime lineup is fiercely opposed to the idea of ​​Donald Trump being arrested.

But on Tuesday, Carlson had a high hope for how Trump might be shielded from legal accountability: help from President Joe Biden.

Now as a reminder, on Saturday, as part of a big all caps rant on his Twitter clone, TruthSocial, about the various things that make him angry, Trump claimed that we should probably get to know Tuesday (today) will be arrested. As part of a New York investigation into what he is believed to be secretly payments of money to former porn actress Stormy Daniels using campaign funds.

Now you must have noticed that Trump was not arrested. Although the Manhattan District Attorney has not made any public statement Reports suggest Trump won’t actually hold the debate Until next week (if at all).

Still, Carlson is very concerned about the possibility that Trump could be arrested, and that brings us to his strange idea that Joe Biden might save him. Here’s what he said on Tuesday’s episode of “Tucker Carlson Tonight”:

“If this happens” – meaning, Trump is arrested – “America will never be the same. You have to hope that for the sake of the country, the Biden White House, which is running against Trump, will put the country above partisanship and make it Will stop. Merrick Garland at the DOJ will issue a very public statement saying that this is wrong the way it is. And therefore preserve our justice system for our grandchildren. That doesn’t really seem to be happening.”

Strange that Carlson wants Joe Biden to get Trump out of the legal trouble Trump brought upon himself by using campaign money to pay hush money to his ex-mistress — since Trump kept Joe Biden from getting certified. The deadly January 6 riot was incited in an attempt to stop it. as President. But hey, it’s his show, so he can say whatever he wants. which is probably why The New York Times once described to “Tucker Carlson Tonight” as “what may be the most racist show in the history of cable news”.

You can watch the full clip above, via @Acyn,

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