Upcoming Avatar 3 Featuring a Na’vi Fire Nation Called the ‘Ash People’

The new region forms the basis for a new villain in Avatar 3.

Of Avatar: the way of the water currently box-selling worldwide and officially a commercial success, updates on the upcoming third film continue to pour in. According to a report by Slash Moviethe long awaited avatar3 will feature yet another new region inhabited by another Na’vi tribe known as the ‘Ash People’. Following director James Cameron’s promise to include four main elements in the avatar franchise, while the second film strongly symbolizes the element of water, the third film will apparently lean towards fire.

Unlike the other Na’vi tribes, Cameron has revealed that the Ash People will present themselves as much less friendly and likely the role of a villain. Rather than continue the same formula of evil invading Pandora from outside, Cameron wants to turn the tables and reveal the turmoil within the alien planet. Per what he recently said to a French news outlet:


“I want to reveal the Na’vi from a different angle because [so far] I only showed their good sides. In the early movies, there are very negative human examples and very positive Na’vi examples. In ‘Avatar 3’ we do the opposite.”

Related: How the Ending of Avatar: The Way of Water Sets Avatar 3

Cameron’s plan to explore the universe and eventually bring the story back to Earth

avatar 2
Studios from the 20th century

Along with the ever-expanding world of Pandora and its various tribes each contributing to the overall story, Cameron has set his sights on traversing Pandora to other planets in the third film. Later in the interview, he notes how Pandora essentially serves as the basis for avatar‘s story and that the story will really take shape and gain momentum from the third film.

“We will also explore new worlds, continuing the story of the main characters… I can say that the last parts will be the best. The others were an introduction, a way to set the table before the meal is served. But, of course, everything will depend on how Avatar 2 is received, whether it finds its audience.”

With the realistic prospect of avatar Expanding into a literal universe, Cameron is now setting the standard for the franchise to become much more than a single series story arc. It will undoubtedly lead to the discovery of several more Na’vi tribes and perhaps even another alien race. The possibilities remain vast and unknown in Cameron’s universe. These many questions aside, we know he wants to bring the story back to Earth by the fifth film, should the franchise continue to be profitable.

avatar3which has finished filming but likely has a lengthy post-production process ahead of it, is currently in theaters December 20, 2024. Avatar: the way of the water now playing in theaters.

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