‘Vampire Academy’ stars Sissy Stringer and Daniela Nieves break down what it’s like to watch Season 2

WARNING: Spoilers Ahead For The Season One Finale Of “Vampire Academy”

Lisa and Rose are walking down the street, and it’s not quite the way they planned it to be. But after the season finale of “Vampire Academy”, extreme measures had to be taken. The good news is that season two should be renewed, and series stars Daniela Nieves and Sissy Stringer have their own list of ideas for girls.

In the episode, now streaming on Peacock, Lisa (Nives) and Rose (Stringer), along with most of their friends – assuming Mason fixes it through surgery – managed to survive the Strigoi attack on St. But that attack turned out to be a coup plotting, and now that Lisa has regained her quorum, she’s more of a target than ever. (lest we forget, he was named heir to the throne).

It is only because of their spiritual connection that women were able to wager with the magic they needed to restore the wards of dominion. But to reach that point, they literally had to fight their way to the outskirts of the dominion. In reality though, combat was something that Sissy Stringer enjoyed throughout the season.

“Do you know how excited I was for the boxing ring? I was so excited,” Stringer said. “We read the episode, and then for the next, like, two weeks, I can’t wait to beat the perfect Mother of God out of Kieron!’ It’s fun. It’s a lot of fun. I just love doing all the stunts and stuff, it’s great, but I want to see Lisa fight some guys!”

And indeed, so would Daniela Nieves. She’s been kissing a bit to get into the action in “Vampire Academy” — and in the original draft of the finale, she was supposed to.

“Originally in episode 10, they wrote that Lisa kills a Strigoi,” Nieves revealed. “Mia says something, and she’s like, ‘Oh, look out Lisa!’ And Lisa just turns up by accident, and with the umbrella, Strigoi goes straight into the stakes or something. ”

In the end, the scene was written, but the actresses hope Lisa gets more action in season two should the show be renewed. After reading both books, Stringer and Nieves note that the darkness that Lisa discovers in herself in these 10 episodes is actually very deep — and very deep — and may have had some profound moments for her, perhaps. Even as a fight.

“I don’t think we’re more than halfway through the dark [the books], Stringer said, with Nieves readily agreeing. “I really think it’s going to get — everything is going to be more intense and more layers exposed. And I think we can see some heavy, heavy darkness.”

For now, the season one finale takes Lisa and Rose to the human world. Thanks to a chaotic but mostly well-executed plan by Tatiana Vogel (Anita-Joy Uvazeh), the Strigoi attack at St. Vladimir kills Viktor Dashkov, allowing him to slip right in and take over. He has received a warrant for Lisa’s arrest.

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And then of course, there’s the fact that Lisa’s brother Andre returned, only almost immediately to none other than Sonya Karp. Granted, Lisa didn’t know he was completely transformed; She only thinks he died (again). It is in the last shot of the episode that the audience learns what happened to him.

But Nieves has some ideas for where that particular thread could lead in a second season.

“Someone says a line about this, maybe the strigoi aren’t as animalistic or dumb as we think they are. They’ve got a few up their sleeves,” Neeves said. “So I don’t know, maybe dive into the Strigoi civilization. And if Andre went to the top of this civilization, who’s to say he can’t get to the top of the Strigoi?

Meanwhile, Rose has her family’s revelations on her way to work. As she and Lisa say goodbye to their loved ones and prepare to head to the human world, Rose’s mother gives him a card with a phone number on it, so that it can be used in an emergency. As it turns out, that number belongs to Rose’s father.

Obviously, without a second season officially secured yet, it’s impossible to know exactly how he’ll factor in, or who will play the man. But Stringer has an expectation in that scope.

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“Rose’s dad, he has to be turkey, doesn’t he? He’s a brown man. And so I would like to. I’d like that to join in,” she said. “People are like, ‘Okay, her mom’s black, its Means they’ve decided to turn off all character origins,’ but that’s not really true. And it depends on a lot of things, but I really hope we get a Turkish guy to play my father. I think it would be really cool.”

At the end of the day though, the actresses want Rose and Lisa to take a break.

“I’ve been thinking about books a lot and honestly, in books, it seems” [Lissa and Rose] Just have so much fun together,” Nieves said. “They can party together, and I think there’s a fun and wild side to Lisa that Rose knows, and Rose, like, brings her out. I’m just — I think season one was, There was a lot of pain, and if there’s a season two, I’m sure there will definitely be more painful moments, but I think I’d love to see more Lisa and Rose just be best friends, like f—in it. Doing.”

“Having fun!” Stringer added. “To be carefree for a hot f-ing second! Please!”

All 10 episodes of “Vampire Academy” are now streaming on Peacock.

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