Voters ‘reaction to their economic situation’ (Video)

In response to the latest poll from the New York Times and Siena College, which found that 49% of potential voters plan to vote for a Republican to represent them in Congress, while 45% plan to vote for a Democrat. Making up, “Morning Joe” co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski said Republicans have a “narrow, but distinct” advantage. This number is a one digit improvement from the previous month.

The survey showed that the economy and inflation are the top two issues concerning Americans right now, along with the state of democracy, abortion and immigration. Scarborough doubled down and said inflation was becoming a “burden” for Democratic candidates, especially after last week’s inflation report.

“You have an overwhelming number of Americans who believe the country is heading in the wrong direction,” Scarborough said.

Rev. Al Sharpton, who was on the line as a pundit on the matter, agreed, citing the economy and inflation as two issues that complicate Americans’ daily lives.

“You can deny reality, but you can’t avoid it,” Sharpton said. “The fact of the matter is that – as much as I and others want to deal with the fact that democracy is at stake here – people are reacting to their economic situation. When you look at the fact that gas prices are going back Grocery [prices] Going up, 401K plans are taking a 25% hit — that’s where people live, and Democrats have to address that.”

Sharpton said that although these issues are not the fault of the current administration, President Biden and his Democratic allies need to address them properly to gain the trust of voters.

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“If you don’t address [the fact that] We started going slow here because of tax cuts to the rich, and you only talk about things that don’t concern people, you lose their votes and you lose their ears, “They said.

Scarborough said that while Americans care about a variety of issues, their focus is “on what’s in front of them every day”, as many Americans feel they are “falling back and forth” as inflation continues to hit the country.

The co-host said: “[Americans] They’re looking at their grocery prices, they’re looking at their gas prices, they’re looking at the fact that they can’t even buy a used car because that market is skyrocketing, they’re looking at rent. are. If you’re a young voter, you love the fact that your college loans were forgiven. maybe you like [the Biden administration] done on marijuana. All of these things sound great for young voters, but then they’re trying to buy their first home, [and] They cannot do this because costs have exploded and interest rates are too high.

“Inflation is really weighing on Democratic candidates across the country,” Scarborough continued. “It’s going to be a real challenge for Democrats over the next three weeks. And right now, history is on the Republican side.”

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