Why Netflix’s private lesson is a perfect movie to get you into Turkish dramas

Turkish dramas, like Korean and Chinese dramas, are structured around dramatic relationships and family problems. While these dramas have received much acclaim, some are hesitant to watch them. Many Westerners have a negative image of Turkish shows because of prejudices about clichéd romance and soap operas. While some of it is true, these dramas have a wonderful approach to storytelling, and viewers will be immersed even before they realize it.

Private lessonsalso known as Ozel Ders and starring Bensu Soral, is an example of such a Turkish rom-com. The film follows Azra, an expert in a variety of fields, as she guides clients to succeed in their endeavors, whether making a loved one fall in love or achieving professional success. Hande, a shy teenager, overhears Azra’s conversation with her clients after she doesn’t ask out the man she has a crush on. Later, she decides to talk to Azra in hopes of turning her life around.


While helping her, Azra finds herself falling for her attractive neighbor, Burak. Will she be able to use her previous experiences in her love life? Or does this new challenge teach her something important about life? In any case, here’s why Netflix’s Private lessons would be an excellent entry point into Turkish rom-coms.

Strong female protagonist with a firm grip on life

private lesson netflix

Be it Asian fuzzy dramas or the spicy romances of Hollywood, rarely do we see a strong female lead. In that regard, Azra is a remarkable character in this movie because she not only excels at everything she does, but also helps others in need only when warranted. She demonstrates this several times in the film, including several times when she saves Hande from making stupid decisions that she eventually regrets.

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Her desire to encourage inexperienced girls who find it difficult to open up to their families makes her the best character in the movie. While the character may not resonate well with male audiences, she has a substantial impact on female audiences as she inspires confidence in them.

During the climax, she comes across Utku’s house, aware that she may be in danger while trying to save Hande, but she does it anyway. She does have flaws, such as making the same mistakes in her love life when she should have learned from them. However, when it comes to love, you can never be sure.

A sweet and charming love story

private lesson why it is a must-see Netflix movie

Usually, Turkish rom-coms feature a male protagonist who has achieved great success in their life at a young age and a female protagonist who is having a hard time in her life. Private lessons, on the other hand, avoided this traditional cliché and still achieved the same effect thanks to the dynamic main torque. Besides their obvious chemistry, Burak and Azra also feel like real people because of the choices they make and the challenges they face in the scenes.

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Despite the fact that the film was alone for an hour and a half, their love story was carefully crafted and progressed with pleasant humor and unhappy arguments. The film’s success might have diminished if it focused solely on teen romance, but instead we get a captivating and charismatic relationship with a few funny bits thrown in.

Airy film with an appropriate message

private lesson netflix

Private lessons leaves no room for subtlety as it jumps straight into Azra’s story and doesn’t spend much time introducing other characters. However, the film remains cheerful all the way through, providing viewers with a light and enjoyable experience. It also shows that if two people are truly destined to be together, they will come to understand each other and the world around them, while also conveying the message that when entering into a relationship it is best to take it easy. doing.

While the movie ended on a pleasant note, Hande didn’t deserve to be treated that way, but it certainly taught her a new life lesson that Azra has been trying to teach her since the beginning. Plus, the story moves at an incredible pace with no breaks, as one minute Hande is a book fetish with a loser mentality, and the next she’s slamming tequila at a party. Despite this, Hande is able to realize her dream of becoming a great author thanks to Azra’s mentorship and hard work. Overall, the movie moves things smoothly and quickly, giving viewers the impression that there is always a happy ending regarding love and life.

The film not only tells a charming love story but also builds one audience for rom-coms. It can serve as a gateway to Turkish dramas, especially if you are not into romantic comedies. You can’t go wrong Private lessons if you need something light and fast to take your mind off your hectic work schedule or if you’ve had no luck finding a solid Turkish drama to get into these storylines.

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