Would Superman be worth lifting Mjolnir?

As the world’s shining beacon of hope, Superman is one of the most inspiring and righteous superheroes of all time (at least for the most part). With that, many comic book fans have asked the question: is Superman worth lifting Mjolnir?

Of course, The Man of Steel is one of the most heroic and inspiring superheroes, committing many of DC Comics’ most heroic deeds. However, on the other hand, Superman has committed many atrocities and selfish acts that prove that he is definitely not perfect. Yes, we should point out that there are an infinite number of Superman variations in the vast DC multiverse, and some are far more heroic and evil than others. Nevertheless, we’re just looking at his character as a whole, and if one variant could commit an unjust and heinous act, then in theory all Superman variants are too.


Mjolnir is the iconic weapon of Thor which can only be used by the noble and most powerful characters. The hammer has infinite mass and those who lift it also gain the power of Thor. Being able to lift Mjolnir isn’t about sheer strength as even the Hulk wouldn’t be able to lift it. It’s instead about how noble and righteous you are, and about standing up to be a hero when needed. Some Marvel characters like Captain America, Vision, Jane Foster, Beta Ray Bill and even a mighty frog named Throg, “The Frog of Thunder” have been able to lift Mjolnir. Likewise, with Marvel’s many crossover comic books, characters like Wonder Woman and Conan The Barbarian have also proven worthy enough to raise the hammer as well. If a DC hero is worthy of lifting Mjolnir, Superman has to be the first on every fan’s mind, right? Well, the question still remains, is Superman worthy enough to wield the mighty Norse weapon?

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Why Superman is worthy

henry cavill superman
Warner Bros. Studios

Many fans would immediately assume that Superman is well worth it. Especially given how righteous the character is and how his persona is used as a symbol of hope not just in DC Comics, but throughout pop culture. Of course, this alone makes him worthy. Superman has saved countless lives in many heroic deeds. In the movies alone, Superman has saved workers from a burning oil rig; he caught a plane out of the sky, and of course he saved the world from his iconic rogues gallery many times over. The comics give Superman many of the most heroic moments in his character’s history, including pulling Earth out of the dark multiverse, giving up his powers, and even sacrificing himself to save the world. Few comic book characters come close to the heroic moments of The Son of Krypton.

Why Superman is not worthy

Injustice Superman kills Joker
Warner Bros. home entertainment

As mentioned before, Superman is by no means perfect, which may come as a shock to some, but most fans know that Superman has committed some very terrifying and near world-ending atrocities. First, Superman can be fairly reckless, crashing through buildings and destroying them, as well as breaking General Zod’s neck. Although Zod was a horrific villain, heroes have a strict code of conduct in which they don’t kill, and that doesn’t make them better than their villains. But it doesn’t stop there, in the Injustice film, video games and comics, Superman kills the Joker for killing Lois Lane and setting off a nuclear bomb in the heart of Metropolis, leaving Superman to rule Earth and become a dictator of sorts. These heinous acts are devastating enough, but the fact that it is Superman who commits these crimes makes the events that much more terrifying and much more shocking.

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Superman has lifted Mjolnir before

Superman holding Mjolnir
Diamond Comic Distributors

Yes, as a shock to many, Superman briefly lifted the mighty hammer in a phenomenal crossover with Marvel and DC Comics. One of the best comic book crossovers everThe JLA/Avengers written by Kurt Busiek and George Perez, gives fans one of the most exciting comic book panels ever, where Superman not only wields Thor’s hammer, but also Captain America’s Shield. In the comic run, the Avengers and the Justice League face each other in many epic battles during a galactic hunt for 12 iconic items hidden in their worlds.

In the final battle, the Avengers and Justice League team up against Krona, where Captain America gives Superman his shield so he can lead the charge. Superman is the only hero left standing after the rest of our heroes have fallen in battle. At the final push, Thor hurls Mjolnir at Superman to destroy the cosmic-powered barrier. However, after the battle, Superman tries to lift Mjolnir back up, but is unable to move it. Thor then explains that Odin (observing the battle) made an exception for Superman so they could prevail. This then proves that while Superman briefly wielded the hammer, he is definitely not worth it. At least not as dignified as Wonder Woman, who lifted the hammer with ease and without help.


Promo image of Christopher Reeve as Superman in 1978
Warner Bros. Pictures

So, after careful consideration and weighing both sides of the argument, we draw a final verdict stating that Superman not worthy enough to wield Mjolnir. While incredibly righteous and heroic for the most part, the heinous deeds Superman has committed are too evil, and as a result surpass Superman’s brightest and most heroic moments.

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