You might want to rename it instead of resolving it

Bill Maher is saying on his Friday night HBO series “Real Time” that once again “politically and socially aware” established culture has become a “joke” to come up with new ones. Word for old things.

A recent article by George Packer the Atlantic Criticized the Sierra Club”equity language guidewhich it says is to “demonstrate our commitment to equity, justice and inclusion by using respectful, considerate language in all of our communications.” Avoid using.

“He mentioned, I think, that the ‘criminal’ is now a ‘person involved in justice,'” Maher said. And his examples don’t start and end there. He also cited a “death tax”, which used to be called a “property tax”. And last week, Maher asked Senator Bernie Sanders what he thought was the difference between “equity” and “equality,” and Sanders said he wasn’t sure he knew. “Bernie, you are not alone,” Maher said in his latest episode. “I haven’t got anybody who really knows or people, they just have a different perspective on it.”

“It’s one thing for a language to change organically, it should and does, and you can’t stop it,” he said. “You know, so much of Shakespeare is understandable because it’s from 400 years ago. We don’t use those words anymore. And the dictionary puts out an edition every year with ‘These are the new words.’ But new words because people have just started using new words systematically. It’s not like the dictionary says, ‘Here are a bunch of words commanding You use it now.’”

And the same Maihar feels has happened because of the awakened culture.

He said, ‘This is what is going on now. “There’s an order that comes from a small group of people, we don’t know who they are, we can’t ask. It comes from above. And they’re saying, ‘You need to say Latinx now,’ and You need to say, you know, ‘a person experiencing homelessness.’ And it seems to me that the reason why waking up becomes a joke is because you would rather rename it than solve it.

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