And the Oscar could go to… reusable wire-cutters for movie squibs, depth-of-field post-processing software, layered hierarchical 3D scene description frames, or interactive renderers that give a representative approximation of final renders outside line during post production.
Those are among 10 areas being considered by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Scientific and Technical Awards Committee, the Academy said Tuesday.
Rather than go out and name the winners of the awards that are popularly known as the Oscars of science and technology, the Academy publicly names the areas in which it believes award-worthy progress has been made. This process is designed to allow companies or individuals with claims of innovation in those areas to submit their own claims for those awards, which will be voted on and announced in the fall and then presented at the Scientific and Technical Awards Presentation on February 23. . , 2024.
From the AMPAS press release, these are the areas the science and technology committee is considering:
- On-board remote control device
- Reusable wire cutting devices for film detonators
- Post Process Depth of Field Software
- Lossless Mathematical Encoding of Motion Picture Camera Raw Files
- Motor-stabilized motion picture camera support systems for handheld/body-worn operation
- Interactive renderers that provide a representative approximation of final renders offline during post-production
- Volumetric surface reconstruction
- Pattern-based 3D clothing creation software
- Layered hierarchical 3D scene description frames
- Digital image processing film restoration software used for theatrical re-release and archival preservation
Unlike the Oscars, the Sci-Tech Awards are not awarded for achievements that take place in a specific year. Awards are given in three different forms, depending on the level of achievement: an Academy Award of Merit, for which the winner receives an Oscar statuette; a Science and Engineering Award, which comes with a plaque; and a Technical Achievement Award, which comes in the form of a certificate.